Monday, July 13, 2009

Poo Poo In The Potty!

So over the last few months, since starting solids, Olivia has been having bouts of constipation :(
She will go a few weeks passing poop just fine, then she will have one really bad one. We tried 'helping' the poo out by bringing her knees to her belly while she pushes, but it takes almost 10-15 minutes for it to come out that way + so many tears :(
It's the worst thing to see your baby cry like that.. Recently Ben was at the store and decided to take a chance and purchase a training potty for her! I thought this was funny, because there is no way for her to let us know when she has to go? Then, today I noticed that while playing she got really quiet, I looked over at her and she had this look on her face, i've seen that look before.. she was trying to pass a hard poo :(
Just to see how she would react, I first checked her diaper to make sure there was still time, then I sat her on the potty. In 2 minutes, it was over!! I looked in and sure enough SHE WENT!
No tears this time :)
She was so happy when it was all over! It is so relieving to know that I can stick her on there and try to get her to get use to it (I totally thought she would try to get off the pot and go all over the floor!!) I think it will work especially well for those times when she gets a little backed up :)
Yay!! Well, that's my rant for this week!!

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