Tuesday, April 7, 2009


This blog is picking up where my babyjellybeans webpage Journal ended.

Well, here it goes... Olivia was born on Sunday October 19, 2008 three days before My & Bens 28th Birthday! It was a pretty intense 14 hours of laboring and ended with an hour and a half of pushing her out.. no drugs for this first time Mama!!
My whole pregnancy from the beginning, I told everyone I wasn't going to use any epidural, they all thought I was crazy. For some reason most women think they 'can't do it' without 'help', whatever that means? I think I did just fine, and I felt great afterwords!
All I have to say is that Hypnobirthing really did work for me, I will do it again (not for 3-5 years though)!
Olivia is now 5 1/2 months old and doing great! She sleeps through the night (thankfully), she babbles so much, it almost sounds like she is saying 'real' words :)
She is finally accepting belly time, I remember how she would cry and cry when we would put her on her belly. Now she is so much stronger, it's crazy to see her roll over and try to hold her bottles!
The time from birth til now has gone by so fast, I look back at photographs from then to now and am amazed at how much she has grown! Her hair is getting so long, I love that when I give her a bottle, if she is tired, she will twist her hair around in her little chubby fingers.. so precious! At her last weigh in she was almost 17 lbs.
She already wears a size 3 diaper and eats the purees I make her, that's right, I make her food. It's really not that hard and takes maybe 2 hours total to do, I only have to do it once every 3 months.

That's it for now.
Not sure how often I will write, still keep checking back for more..

1 comment:

  1. Great site, I am looking for one as well for both girls and our family. I am going to make Kira's food also. I think our babies are growing together! I think Kira is around 18 lbs. She is so chunky!
