I have been showing Olivia this Baby Einsteins Video- 'First Signs' almost everyday since she was 4 months old, and yesterday she did her first sign!! It was the sign for Milk, it was so cute, she was sitting in my lap watching it and it got to the part where they do all of the meal time signs.
I noticed her little hand, she was doing the milk sign!!
It was so awesome to see she learned to do it so soon, I thought it would take longer than that for her to do her first one!
Now at each bottle time she does her little hand movement, it's so great to know what she wants when she gets fussy.. well, now she doesn't get as fussy anymore because she can actually communicate with me!!
Wow, she's so cool :)
Most babies exposed to signs on a daily basis will show they're first one between 6 and 9 months. Amazing, isn't it? We used to teach our babies 'more' 'eat' 'please' and 'potty.' By the time they moved up to the toddler room they're were able to communicate using 2-3 signs at a time. Like 'more, please' etc :) Research shows that infants and toddlers who are encouraged to sign, speak sooner. Not just first words but are able to put together more complex sentences at an earlier age. Have fun!