Monday, October 19, 2009

My baby's 1!!!

Today was Olivia's 1st Birthday! The past year has gone by so fast, it really didn't even feel like a year at all.. ok, maybe sometimes it felt like the day was never going to end, or 3 days melded together to feel like one really loooong day! But, we got through it. We survived!
We started off the celebration with a party at our house on Sunday (the night before) and will continue our week-long Birthday week tomorrow by going to Olivia's one year doctors appointment and then, if she is feeling up to it we will go out for Sushi with Ben's Mom! Then, on Thursday for my and Ben's Birthday we are taking the little girl to Disneyland!!! We got lucky this year with all 3 of us getting in for free!!
The party went great! Olivia had a blast! She learned how to open presents and that she doesn't really have a taste for cake yet, though she did LOVE the Pumpkin Pie we gave her after she rejected the cake! There were no meltdowns or tantrums :) The thought didn't even cross my mind that it could be a possible scenario for a meltdown until after the party when she had the BIGGEST one she's ever had! She was still in bed for the night by nine-thirty, not too bad!
Here are some photos!

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