Monday, May 18, 2009

crying it out...

Well, it's been a few months since we sarted the 'cry it out' method. It is still hard for me to listen to her crying in her room, but in the past few weeks I have noticed that if I just wait a few more minutes she will fall asleep.. she's so tired... This works really well for naps. She takes a nap for 2 hours everyday! Lucky me!! It wan't always that way. It was really hard to get here, and all I can keep thinking is it will get better.. and it does , everyday.. thankfully :)

One thing I can't understand, again she does this really well..for naps, but come bedtime, no way. She can only fall asleep if I give her a few more ounces. Why does she do this? Anyone have any ideas.. think I need a new approcah to this!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Livs Dress

Olivias Grandma Harris bought her this beautiful dress. It's for 12 mo., she is almost out of that size.. already! So we did an impromptu photo shoot last week, she looks so pretty :)