This year seems to be flying by! Olivia is running and climbing on everything.. Just last week I left the room for a few minutes and when I came back, she was sitting on top of the dining room table unrolling the paper towels!!
She has gotten into some, shall I say, messy situations too... Olivia loves her markers! She keeps using the Crayola Markers like makeup!! I'm talking red lips, cheeks and finger nails as well!! That is all in the past week :)
She is also talking up a storm lately! She has no problems mimicking any, I mean ANY words we say... for instance, her new favorite word while we change her diaper is 'gi-na'... meaning Vagina :) As long as she doesn't say it in public, i'm fine with it! It's the way she says it that is so funny... it's so innocent and almost like she is asking if she is getting it right!!
She is growing up so fast, I can hardly keep up with all that she does from day to day. I started this blog to record all of her first's, but I am doing a lousy job at it.. I am just too tired after getting her to bed to get on here and try to remember the past day or days, in this case months I have missed by not getting on here. From here on, I will try harder to get it down before I forget! If I don't get on I will keep a handwritten account of it then transfer it over... I don't want to forget this stuff, even the not so fun parts... it all counts!!
Until next time :)