Well for the second time in a month, Ben is in Barstow for work :(
It's only for a few nights but I definitely a little overwhelmed!! Olivia has been having some really bad teething pains lately and some growing pains too!! I think we are all feeling the growing pains :)
She asks for Daddy about a hundred times a day. I don't know if she understands what I mean when I tell her that he will be home in a few days, but she seems to accept the answer I give her! Since turning 1 she has started to do so many things that we couldn't wait for.. one being walking!! She walks so good now (all we need is one of those leash things) :)
She also tries to copy our mannerisms, words we say to her like: bath, dirty, night night, banana (sounds more like 'nanana')!! Along with the usuals: Mama, Dada, hello, wa wa... these are all I can think if at the moment.
Olivia also has a few new teeth!! She now has 3 front bottom, 4 front top and 1 pesky molar on it's way down.. this one just started coming through the gums the other day.. pain pain go away!!
She is learning how to use crayons and pens!! That has been loads of fun :)
Her bedtime has even changed to 7:30pm instead of 8:30 like it was before the time change!!!
We are looking forward to Christmas with our families!! Everyone will be here this year, even Olivia's little cousin Cassidy!!! It's gonna be so awesome watching the two of them opening gifts together on X-Mas!!!
I can't believe little girl let me write for this ling already, better go check on her!