Thursday, August 27, 2009


It's been way too long since my last post. So much has been going on these last few weeks.. We have been out looking at houses up here in North County, very exciting!! In the baby department, Olivia has started letting go of the furniture and getting ready to start walking soon :) It's a little scary but, I guess it's necessary ;)
She has also been very vocal, she will try to say words like Bella, Kitty, Tigger, Mama, Daddy!! So very cool. Her hair is getting longer, it comes past her ears already. One side has a curl and the other is straight, just like Mommy's :)
We are also starting to scout locations for the big 1st Birthday party coming up in October!! Can't believe it is only 7 weeks away!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are taking ourselves to Disneyland on Ben and my Birthday. The two of us will get in for free (through the B-Day club thing) and Olivia will get in free for being under 3!! Now we can buy her some little stuffed animals or dress-up stuff!! I am so excited, Disneyland is my favorite place :P

Well, until next time..